| ita
Cristina Kristal Rizzo

IKEA site specific

Concept Cristina Kristal Rizzo Dance Annamaria Ajmone and/or Cristina Kristal Rizzo Light and technical direction Giulia Pastore Music Various Artists Costumes Cristina Kristal Rizzo and Caned Icoda Production CAB 008 With the sustain of Regione Toscana and MiBACT Creative residencies Le Murate/Progetti Arte Contemporanea, Spazio K, Santarcangelo Festival Inter-nazionale del Teatro in Piazza, Teatro Consorziale di Budrio

It is said that the gaze of certain animals is much more power full, more acute, and even more cruel of that of the men and however without a glance. A blindfolded figure co-habit with the audience a space, the space of vision, the theatre, amplifying the obliqueness of the gaze, the observation as a specific attention to angles, to defection, to a vision able to withhold memory as a natural reserve, without history, without tragedy, without the event. Two eyes can always dissociate themselves from the point of view of their organic func-tion but this failing of vision donates to all the senses a resource which is virtual, poten-tial, dynamic, producing a motion which is at the same time visual, auditory, kinetic and tactile. Dance with its potential and fragility is the protagonist of a double mirror self por-trait where the image of the self is absent, what remains is only the intimacy of the bod-ies, a feminine energy, pushing to the potentiality of wanting beyond seeing, as in an adventure. When you let fall on your shoulders the problem of identity that's the moment when the subject appears with its own autonomy. The work presents itself in the form of a durational piece and it is structured on the pre-sence in a unique ambient of two or one dance solos bodies in a continuos and hypnotic flux or in a pictorial landscape where everybody is invited to loose out their own identity. The title ikea evokes, playing with the most famous domestic imaginary in the world, the idea of a body auto-design, intended as an exotic space, in the sense of foreign or not known

Performed In
Galleria Passaggi ( Exibition CORPO A CORPO curated by Pietro Gaglianò - September 2016 )
Museo Pecci di Prato ( Exibition La Fine del Mondo - November 2016 )
Galleria D’Arte Moderna di Roma ( Exibition Sensibile Comune - January 2017 )
EX GAM in Bologna ( Scolomance curated by Nico Vascellari and Xing for LiveArts Week - May 2017 )
Museo di Arte Contemporanea Museion di Bolzano ( Cubo Garutti, curated by Frida Carazzato in collaboration with Bolzano Danza - July 2017 )
PAC Milano ( Exibition Performing Pac - March 2018 )
Santarcangelo Festival ( 2018 edition, in two different outdoors locations )
