| ita
Cristina Kristal Rizzo


Elementary pieces for the temple’s
Choreography and Dance Cristina Kristal Rizzo sound and light Enrico Malatesta costume Canedicoda Creative Producer Silvia Albanese production TIR Danza coproduction Santarcangelo Festival with the sustain of IntercettAzioni - Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia un progetto di Circuito CLAPS e Teatro delle Moire, Industria Scenica, Milano Musica, Zona K.

BOGA is a performance based on the revisitation of a pyric and celebrative traditional dispositive: the Meriam Buluh. Exotic and in larger measure unknown by the western au-dience, the famous Bambù Canon is an explosive instrument and noise generator used in several popular and religious festivities and very much widespread, in the 90th’s, as an handmade illegal toy in the rural zones of Malesia, Indonesia and Philippine. The performance presents a modified and prepared version of this instrument and a par-aphernalia of sonic dispositive of supports so to generate actions, sound and light in rela-tion to the presence and the movement of the two performers involved, the percussionist Enrico Malatesta ( www.enricomalatesta.com ) and the dance maker Cristina Kristal Riz-zo. The work has the form of a performative urban/ritual action in an open space using the natural nuances and shadows of natural light or darkness.

photo: Luca Ghedini, courtesy Xing